Both the natural and social environment hold a very high importance for us.
For this reason, we had our company certified with ISO 14001 Environmental Management in 2022.
- We are conscious of our responsibility towards our natural and social environment.
- We commit to complying with all health, safety, and environmental legal requirements and consider them as minimum standards.
- Our services and processes are designed to ensure the safety and health of our employees and customers and to minimize environmental impact.
- We strive to minimize environmental burdens resulting from our activities and therefore, actively promote awareness among our employees, customers, and suppliers regarding environmental aspects.
- Purchase of energy from 100% hydropower sources.
- All wastewater from our processes stays within the company, and the generated waste is disposed of under controlled conditions.
- Eco-bonus for employees, with car drivers required to rent parking spaces.
- Waste recycling is an established process.
- Continuous sensitization of our employees regarding ecological aspects.
Further measures are in planning and will be continuously implemented.
The Management
Burgdorf, 29.08.2022